The Principle of Good Corporate Governance, transparency and fairness are regarded as the prominent approach bound by the Board of Directors of Singha Estate Public Company Limited (“the Company”)
in conduct the business in the way that strengthen the competitiveness in the market and confidenceamong both domestic and foreign investors and stakeholders. They also lead the Company to the business success, sustainable growth, ability to adapt and adjust to the changing world and amicable relations with stakeholders.
Sustainable Development Policy
Business Continuity Management Policy
Enterprise Risk Management Policy
Policy on Securities Trading
Policy on Supervision and Management of Subsidiaries and Associated Companies
Human Rights Policy
Connected Transaction Policy
Biodiversity Policy
Information Technology Policy
Whistleblowing Policy
Procurement Policy
Personal Data Protection Policy
Corporate Documents
Whistleblowing Policy
If you did not receive a fair investment, or found guilty of Acts of unfair competition on the company and investors, The Audit Committee and / or Board of Directors will performed with a complaint and clues that you inform us as soon as possible to be fair to investors