12 May 2017
Financial Statement Quarter 1/2017 (Reviewed)
09 May 2017
Notification of Increase of Registered Capital of Singha Estate Public Company Limited
09 May 2017
Notification of Decrease of Registered Capital of Singha Estate Public Company Limited
02 May 2017
Change of 2017 Public Holidays
28 April 2017
Resolutions of the 2017 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
25 April 2017
Establishment of a new subsidiary
12 April 2017
Opinion of Independent Financial Advisor (3/3)
12 April 2017
Opinion of Independent Financial Advisor (2/3)
12 April 2017
Opinion of Independent Financial Advisor (1/3)
12 April 2017
Board Resolutions: acquisition of assets, entering into connected transaction, issuance of convertible securities, capital increase, addition of AGM agenda (Amendment)
07 April 2017
Report on the results of the sale of securities (F53-5)
03 April 2017
Disclosure of the Notice of 2017 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on the Company's Website